Summer booster fundraising ideas


Let’s take advantage of happiest season of the year, summer! This time of year is a great time to engage with donors when you utilize unique summer booster club fundraising ideas to help you maximize the season. One great advantage during summer are longer days and warmer weather which offers a lot of opportunities to employ summer booster club fundraising ideas, especially outdoors.

The pressure to generate more revenue has continued to increase, as every booster club makes sure that their teams have everything from adequate uniforms to upgraded facilities. They often need support from the local community to raise money.

Booster club fundraising has become a popular way to gain much-needed funds for teams of respective departments. While fundraising is not equated with FUN that often – it can be when you get creative with your strategies. Summer is a great time to look at new ways to generate revenue while reimagining older ideas that potentially still have value.

Here are 8 unique summer booster club fundraising ideas to finance the needs of any club.

Summer Booster Club Fundraising Ideas include sports tournaments like a basketball tournament

Host a Booster Club Sports Tournament:

Sports events or tournaments could be a great summer booster club fundraising idea. Plus it’s also fun. It just needs a bit more planning to execute from start to finish.

Consider a booster club summer basketball tournament:

Basketball tournaments are fun and familiar fundraising events to host. You can have two or three teams. Moreover, a double elimination can be done in order to manage the time. Your school’s basketball coach can be a helping hand. They can help you with tournament logistics plus referee assistance.

Summer is perfect for golf tournaments:

Golf tournaments are way easier to set up than other tournaments. The only sweat work is to recruit golfers to get on board to play. You can even convince a sponsor to amplify the amount raised from the tournament. Similarly, inventory can be a bonus point of income when selling t-shirts, caps or other accessories.


Consider hosting a school carnival to support your booster club

Community Events:

The next option to raise booster club funds is to organize some community events.

Host a school carnival:

Hosting a school carnival is one of the complex summer booster club fundraising ideas. Well, it has many aspects to integrate for a fun night out. As rides could be more expensive, go for something low-key such as bounce castles and trampolines. There could be games for prizes with some ingenuity.

Moreover, you can arrange a mini-carnival with classics such as a cake walk. You can easily raise funds by charging for entry or selling tickets for games and attractions.


A booster club sponsored BBQ is perfect for the summer weather

Hold a booster club BBQ:

Bring in a BBQ vendor or bust out the grills yourself to take it to the next level.  Plus if you’ve got some mean grill masters in your booster club, let them do their due diligence behind the grill. It may require some effort while planning such as the amount of meat and having drinks or chips. However, with great planning and support followed by right execution, you can make over a couple of thousands of dollars.

Organize some summer fun competitions:

What better way to increase community engagement than a little friendly competition!  Have local businesses compete with each other or have individuals sign up to win bragging rights and a potential prize!

Create a summer night karaoke competition:

A Karaoke competition could be fun or even versatile event to raise funds. Just like air guitar or singing in the car, karaoke is a socially acceptable excuse to rock out!

You can split the competition by music genre or other themes to make it exciting. Simply get some mics, set a projector in your school auditorium or any other place and allow your community to sing their hearts out and raise money.

Host a booster club painting competition:

A painting event could be a chance for your art-inspired students and their parents to shine. Such events are gaining popularity and can be held in bars or clubs with adults’ entry only. If you are provided with some art supplies or even get discount on those supplies and any space or art instructor from your school for your paint fundraising event, it could be a fun or creative event to host.

Selling merchandise is always a great booster club fundraising idea

Summer booster club fundraising ideas around sales:

In case your booster club is facing a tight budget, you can sell goods from within to raise funds.

Run a booster club  art sale:

If you are having some strong art program or a strong creative community, try to reach out to everyone for donated pieces. These pieces could be sell auction-style or display gallery-style for a good cause. You can raise funds by charging an entry fee or displaying the pieces ready to buy in this classic event.

Partner locally to sell mattresses:

Everyone needs them. You can work with some local or national company to sell comfy mattresses. You’ll only require some space for people to try them out. This could be an exciting summer booster club fundraising idea plus it will help you get sponsors on board.


Consider engaging your volunteers to help increase booster club fundraising through their networks

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising:

This is a great option for clubs of all sizes and shapes.  It not only enables your organization to raise more money but helps you expand your existing donor base.  This enlists the help of students and supporters and empowers them to ask for donations on behalf of your organization.

You simply need to reach out to your friends and family members and ask them for donations for your good cause.


Try holding a booster club scavenger hunt to increase awareness and build community bonding.

Hold a booster club scavenger hunt:

One of the typical summer booster club fundraising ideas, a scavenger hunt is done by many organizations around spring or summer holidays. You can make it more effective by making it bigger for the students, teachers, and parents to participate in. Additionally, the old school scavenger hunts have gained new life with modern smartphones. You can use different apps like GooseChase and Klikaklu. They offer school and non-profit pricing as well.

Funds can be raised by charging entry fees or registration fees for every team. Similarly, you can raise money in the form of upgrades to give better hunting advantages. Last but not the least; giving prizes, preferable from sponsors, is a sure fire way to have fun while making some funds.


Support your community and your booster club by offering a service such as a raffle or manage parking for an event.

Offer a useful service:

It is a fact that donors would like to get something they can use along with their show of support.

Manage the reserved parking for games:

You can offer your service by reserving parking especially in areas where game parking is scarce and fought over every season.  Look for locations near larger events that would support your club by allowing you to manage the parking and take a cut of the proceeds.

Hold a booster club 50/50 raffle:

This is another amazing idea to raise funds. We all know that a chance to win cash is always welcomed. The team members simply need to sell tickets. In the end, the winner gets to keep half of all the money collected while the remainder is awarded to the fundraising team.


Try holding athletic clinics where older athletes teach younger athletes

Use your team’s skills:

Younger students are always looking for ways to build their athletic skills. Plus they are always excited to hang out with the older kids. You can explore teaching opportunities to raise money so you can cover your club’s expenses.

Hold a series of athletic clinics and camps:

You can set a camp and charge the registration fee to cover any costs associated with hosting the camp. Plus you can ask for donations to your team’s fundraising efforts.

Run some training classes:

You can organize community exercise or training classes and charge a small entrance fee to them. These classes can be run by a rotation of school athletes and coaches.

When we talk about great summer booster club fundraising ideas, nothing can beat team spirit. So when teams, faculty, families and the local community work together, fundraising can build school spirit, in addition, to make all members more vested in success.

Happy Fundraising!


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