A Booster Club School Relationship Benefits the Entire Community


A booster club school relationship stand to gain a lot from working together, and it is best to take steps to ensure that the collaboration is a positive one from the beginning. Strife and conflict between schools and booster clubs can damage the support efforts for school programs, versus how working together effectively can increase the quality of support. We want to showcase a few useful tips for ensuring the booster club school relationship is as cordial as possible.

Booster Club School Relationships can be guided by both federal and state laws and regulations.

Be Aware of Federal and State Laws Regarding Booster Club School Relationships

One of the best ways to avoid confusion and miscommunication within the booster club school relationship is to be aware of the laws that dictate how a booster club may operate. Learning federal and state laws will make it easier for individuals managing booster clubs to gain a clear understanding of what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate conduct between schools and booster clubs.

 For example, there are typically regulations in place meant to keep school funds and booster club donations separate. By being aware of such regulations before commencing booster club activities, it will be easier to run your booster club efficiently, while avoiding mistakes that can harm the booster club school relationship.

Furthermore, if booster club members demonstrate a good understanding of federal and state laws, the school will be left with positive impression of the booster club. The IRS provides federal guidelines for charities and nonprofits , which should be understood.  In addition, state regulations for a specific state can typically be found on that state’s Secretary of State website. In some cases, the information regarding rules and regulations can be found on other state government sites as well. Alaska is a good example of a state listing the rules on an alternate site. If one is creating a booster club in Alaska much of the information needed to form and adequately run a booster club can be found on the Alaska Department of Commerce website rather than the secretary of state website.  It helps when both schools and booster clubs that work together are both aware of federal and state law regarding how their working relationship.

:earn the rules of your School's Booster Club School Relationship.

Learn your School’s Booster Club School Relationship Rules

In addition to federal and state laws, individual schools may have rules regarding their booster club school relationship to take into account. Different schools and school districts have different rules that determine what booster clubs are and are not allowed to do on school grounds and at school events. After all, not all schools and districts are run the same.

Elementary school booster clubs, middle school booster clubs, and high school booster clubs all serve school programs with varying needs and differing communities. Additionally, different school districts run their facilities with different rules, not just when it comes to booster clubs but in several aspects. When you create a booster club, you will want to meeting with the school administration and discuss the school’s rules for booster clubs. It is best to become familiar with a school’s rules for booster clubs when forming that booster club school relationship, rather than making avoidable mistakes due to an unclear understanding of school booster club protocol.

Keep in mind though, just as booster clubs must respect school rules, schools must respect booster clubs as organizations separate from the school. While it is important that booster club bylaws are not in opposition to school rules, schools should not interfere with those bylaws that are created or the governing of a booster club. Just as adherence to school rule is important, so too is maintaining professional boundaries. Balancing adherence to school rules and booster club independence from schools is an important factor in fostering a booster club school relationship.

Be Familiar with the programs supported by your Booster Club.

Become Familiar With the Programs Supported by Your Booster Club

As was stated previously, different schools have different ways of functioning. Elementary school booster clubs may find that the way they go about supporting school programs is very different from how middle school booster clubs or high school booster clubs would do so. Elementary school booster clubs conducting advertisement campaigns for fundraising events will be appealing to a different audience than booster clubs geared towards programs for older students. Other than attracting donors and booster club members during events, booster clubs must also be mindful of what the school will smile and frown upon. While witty slogans may gain a few chuckles from those who make donations to middle school booster clubs or high school booster clubs, the school administration may have a different take on inappropriate language they feel reflects poorly on the school.

Schools catering to different age groups have varying rules, different programs within a single school and in many cases – different ways of doing things. Drama booster clubs will have different bylaws that athletic booster clubs bylaws, but both will have to act within the boundaries of school rules. In some cases it may occur that a drama booster club may need to pay special attention to a school rule that does not impact athletic booster clubs. Not all booster club bylaws and supported program are the same and, because of this, some school rules could impact certain booster clubs more strongly than they would other booster clubs.

Consistent mindfulness of federal, state, and school rules results in schools and booster clubs working together proficiently, whereas vague understanding and lax observation of such laws leads to miscommunication and conflict. Studying the regulations that dictate your local booster club school relationship rules will ultimately help your organization better support your community, schools and, by extension, the students they support.


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