Category: Booster Club Marketing

  • A Guide to Booster Club Online Advertising Strategies

    A Guide to Booster Club Online Advertising Strategies

    Before the internet, booster club online advertising was non-existent. Word of mouth, flyers and corkboard posters were the only way to let your community know what was happening with your booster club. School programs that needed funding sent students home to go house to house to sell goodies or held bake sales in front of…

  • Best Ways To Produce Booster Club Apparel

    Best Ways To Produce Booster Club Apparel

    Representing your school through booster club apparel and merchandise is a great way to show team spirit. Clothing (hoodies, t-shirts, hats, etc.) is a one of the key ways to generate revenue for your school activity! By using your school’s colors, mascot, and other identifying marks, you can proudly represent your team and and garner…

  • Grow Your Booster Club By Leveraging Supporters

    Grow Your Booster Club By Leveraging Supporters

    Booster Clubs are only as good as the sum of their parts. A club that is able to develop a large and diverse support group, translates into a better ambility to grow your booster club! Making booster club community support a central focus while developing booster club promotion strategies is a surefire way of increasing your…

  • Coordinate Booster Club Fundraising, Minimize Booster Club Competition

    Coordinate Booster Club Fundraising, Minimize Booster Club Competition

    When there are multiple booster clubs being represented within a single school, it’s easy to understand why raising money might feel like an upward battle. It isn’t always easy when booster clubs tend to be placed side by side, hoping that community members will support your club over, or in addition to other booster clubs.…

  • Booster Club Winter Holiday Fundraiser Ideas

    Booster Club Winter Holiday Fundraiser Ideas

    With the end of the year comes a new round of holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah being a couple among many. Winter holidays promote generosity, compassion, and the constant giving to our fellow community members. It is also one of the prime times of the year for fundraising as well. has compiled a list of…

  • Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas

    Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas

    Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and a new pair of stretchy pants to make room for more food. For booster clubs, it’s another season to create a fun supporting activity for your organization with the help of your community. has put together Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas that are guaranteed to bring…

  • How to Run a Successful Booster Club Car Wash Fundraiser

    How to Run a Successful Booster Club Car Wash Fundraiser

    A car wash is one of the most common ways to raise funds for any nonprofit organization. Running a successful booster club car wash fundraiser is really no different. That being said, organizing a successful booster club car wash is not all that simple. In order to maximize the proceeds that a car wash fundraiser…

  • Run A Facebook Ad For A Booster Club

    Run A Facebook Ad For A Booster Club

    A lot of booster clubs do not have a very good understanding of how to advertise online, much less how to run a Facebook Ad for a booster club . Adding to that, many booster clubs are already strained for resources, so trying to find the time to learn how to advertising on Facebook for…

  • How to Run a Successful Booster Club Bake Sale Fundraiser

    How to Run a Successful Booster Club Bake Sale Fundraiser

    Bake sale fundraisers are a wonderful way to engage your local community over a common goal, all while enjoying the comradery of baking traditional and ethnic sweets. Regardless of whether you are an athletic, music, drama, academic, high school, middle school, or elementary school booster club, bake sale fundraisers can be a profitable way to…