Booster Volunteer Self Isolation tasks


Despite the shelter in place orders and school closures across the country, there are still many booster volunteer self isolation tasks that can be accomplished. Even though not everyone is in the same room and school is not in session, there is still plenty of work to be done.


Ideas for booster volunteer self isolation tasks

Jobs Booster Club Volunteers Can Do Remotely

While now may not be the time for much, there are still countless booster volunteer self isolation tasks to get done. By properly using this time to accomplish these self isolation tasks, you can have an even easier set of booster club volunteer tasks once school starts back up and is in session again.

So instead of binge watching shows on tv and counting down the days until school possibly starts up again, why not make the most out of the time that you have and get some of these important booster volunteer self isolation tasks done and out of the way?

A few examples of remote tasks for booster club volunteers:

  • Meet virtually via video conferencing
  • Online fundraising
  • Organizing documents
  • Reviewing management procedures
  • Reviewing legal documents
  • Updating documents and procedures
  • Planning ahead for the new year
  • And more!

Plan on regular booster club meetings online via video conferencing while you self isolate

Meet virtually via video conferencing

Just because you can’t get within 6 feet of another booster club volunteer doesn’t mean that you can’t still video chat with them. Thanks to free web conferencing websites like Zoom, you can hold a video chat meeting with your booster club members while remaining in the comfort and safety of your own home.

To do this, simply have everyone sign up for a free Zoom account and set a day and time for the meeting to take place. For some regularity, you can set the meeting for the same date/time as your regular meetings.

Just before the time arrives, you can get a code for the conference call (thanks to Zoom) and then send it out to the volunteers. Then they can log on and enter the code to join in the video conference with you. It’s really easy and with this method, you get up to 40 minutes for a free chat with everyone, which should be plenty of time to discuss the major topics.


Holding online fundraisers is a great booster volunteer self isolation task

Online fundraising

While your booster club won’t be hosting a dinner or holding a car wash any time soon, they can still be trying to actively gain revenue by doing online fundraisers. Online fundraisers like drop shipping and peer to peer donations can still take place.

You may even find that hosting a virtual lemonade stand or preselling tickets to a future event is a profitable cause that people would be willing to financially support.


Organize your booster club documents while self isolating

Organizing documents

There are so many documents involved in booster clubs that could make this one of the most essential booster volunteer self isolation tasks that could get done. Meaning, if you had to choose between things to get done- getting organized should be a big priority.

Organizing documents can extend far beyond the simple meeting minutes. You can branch over into the Treasurer’s book and making sure that the bank account is balanced and that the books all match. Double checking that all of the financial information is in place up until this point.

This not only saves you some headaches later but will also make tax time significantly easier as well.


Reviewing your management procedures is a great booster volunteer self isolation task

Reviewing management procedures

Are your booster club’s current procedures up to date and sensible or are they outdated and in need of a facelift? Go through all of your documents and the Bylaws to see. You may find that the procedures haven’t been given the proper care and attention that they need and that there are a few things that need to be edited.

With the world and economy constantly changing, the management procedures that were put in place when the booster club was created, and even the management procedures used last year may not be the best to use now or in the future. Bring your proposed changes to the next virtual booster club meeting and discuss with the other volunteers your suggested changes.


Booster club laws and regulations

Reviewing legal documents

Along the same lines as looking into the management, procedures are looking at the current legal documents for your booster club to make sure that they are up to date. This is actually a pretty important booster volunteer self isolation task as laws change often.

If you have a booster club website you should also look at the legal documents on your website to make sure that they are GDPR compliant and that your booster club can’t get in trouble for leaving off (or leaving out) important legal documents that every website needs.


Boostr Volunteer Self Isolation Tasks Can Include Preparing for the future

Planning ahead for the future

While no one may truly know what the future holds, there is always room for optimism and planning ahead. Looking to the future during a time where life feels a little bleak can help to gain hope and motivation for the future.

Using the time you have now to accomplish the booster volunteer self isolation task of planning ahead can be a great idea. Think about what fundraisers you’d like to see happen next year, or use what self isolation things you’ve learned now and apply them towards your thinking about upcoming holidays and milestones.

Is there a way you can do a restaurant takeover online? Call in to a local pizza restaurant and ask if they would be willing to create a promo code for your booster club to use for online purchases. Then distribute it to the community and ask them to order pizzas on a specific day using that promo code. Your booster club can then get a percentage of the sales without any of the work.

In exchange, you promoted a local business (one that’s hurting during this time of self isolation) and you made money for your nonprofit. Using creative ideas like this can be a great way to make money now and in the future as well, using any business willing to offer their support.


While booster volunteer self isolation tasks may not sound like a lot of fun (and some of them aren’t) they are still pretty vital to the day to day work and contributions to your booster club. By planning ahead and getting creative, you can still have a successful year for your booster club, even if you have to do it in your pajamas.


BooostrBooster ClubsBooster Volunteer Self Isolation TasksCOVID-19

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