Guide to A Basic Booster Club Email Strategy
As you grow your booster club and continue to look for different ways to communicate to supporters – don’t overlook the importance of email. A well designed booster club email marketing strategy can have a tremendously positive impact on your club visibility, participation and most importantly – fundraising!
Create a 4H Booster Club for Your School 4H Club
Creating an agriculture booster club for the 4H program makes a lot of sense. The 4H program itself is a very important program for kids that teaches them many lifelong skills and you show a lot of support for this program and the kids when you create a 4H booster club. Your agriculture booster club…
How to Run a Successful Booster Club Concession Stand Fundraiser
Running a booster club concession stand fundraiser may seem like a no brainer when your group is supporting a sports team but did you know there are a lot more ways to use this fundraiser besides ball games?
The Real Impact of A Volleyball Booster Club
A volleyball booster club provides important support for young athletes. High school volleyball teams are an opportunity for young adults to stretch themselves in fitness, teamwork, and goal-setting. The challenge of this athletic environment also helps young people stay more focused, achieve better grades, increases attendance and improves their graduation rates.
Create Additional booster club management positions – When and Why?
Managing a booster club is an important task often divided into multiple roles. With officer positions, you can delegate tasks and help the group to run more smoothly without putting too much stress on a single person. But, what do you do when there aren’t enough positions to fit your needs? How do you know…
How To Write a Booster Club Mission Statement
Choosing your booster club mission statement is a task that shouldn’t be taken too lightly. When it comes to creating your booster club, the mission statement is a vital part. It’s something that you will use over and over again while describing and promoting your booster club to the public, both in legal documents as…
How a Football Booster Club Supports the Football Program
Across the country, school districts have begun to restrict the number of funds directed to sports programs. In particular, football teams without a football booster club are most at risk because of the high cost of equipment. When program directors have to tighten the budget, they avoid costly items like lineman sleds and new helmets.
Create a Booster Club Media Kit For Your Club
A booster club media kit may not be high on your checklist of future things to do, but it should be. A media kit is a great way to make a statement and look professional when doing booster club marketing and trying to land corporate sponsorships and donations.
Memorial Day Booster Club Fundraising Ideas
Booster club fundraising is an essential part of the organization. Keeping an eye out for creative holiday fundraising is a huge plus and advantage for getting to find new ways to bring in an income. Consider planning a booster club Memorial Day fundraising event to help grow your club revenue. Not only is it close…