Top Baseball Booster Fundraiser Ideas
Even the top baseball teams have to fundraise in order to keep their program running to the best of its abilities. The top 10 baseball teams alone do their own fair share of organizing events through their booster clubs and compiled below are several top baseball booster fundraiser ideas that you could take on in…
How to Use Google Ads For Booster Clubs
Many times, expanding the reach of your booster club can be difficult. Google Ads is one option booster clubs can use to get through those periods of growth stagnation. No matter how much effort is devoted to a club activity, ultimately an organization and event’s success depends on attendance. Without the proper booster club marketing…
5 Booster Club Mardi Gras Fundraiser Ideas
There’s a lot to think about when March rolls around – a snow thaw, spring break, tax season, summer around the corner. But one that at times gets overlooked is the most recognizable March festivity: Mardi Gras! This is the celebration of eating and drinking all the things that are bad for you before lent…
Best Ways To Produce Booster Club Apparel
Representing your school through booster club apparel and merchandise is a great way to show team spirit. Clothing (hoodies, t-shirts, hats, etc.) is a one of the key ways to generate revenue for your school activity! By using your school’s colors, mascot, and other identifying marks, you can proudly represent your team and and garner…
8 Booster Club Valentines Fundraising Ideas
The holidays may have passed, but don’t get lazy as there are a ton of booster club Valentines fundraising ideas to help lift your bottom line! This is the time of year when we switch from being humbugs to lovebugs, walking around with open hearts, and perhaps open wallets. When we say open wallet we…
Start A Ski Club Booster Club or Snowboard Club Booster Club
Does your school have a ski or snowboard club that doesn’t hit the slopes as much as you wished it did? In many cases this is due to a lack of, or at least very minimal funding. Equipment, transportation, and those much-needed snacks cost money. Money that can’t always come straight from the pockets of…
8 Great Winter Booster Club Fundraiser Ideas
After Christmas and New Years, you may wonder what winter booster club fundraiser ideas there could possibly be?! It might be cold and snowy or just not as warm and exciting as normal, but there’s still plenty of ways to fundraise for your organization. Booostr.co has compiled 8 great winter booster club fundraising ideas that…
Grow Your Booster Club By Leveraging Supporters
Booster Clubs are only as good as the sum of their parts. A club that is able to develop a large and diverse support group, translates into a better ambility to grow your booster club! Making booster club community support a central focus while developing booster club promotion strategies is a surefire way of increasing your…
Coordinate Booster Club Fundraising, Minimize Booster Club Competition
When there are multiple booster clubs being represented within a single school, it’s easy to understand why raising money might feel like an upward battle. It isn’t always easy when booster clubs tend to be placed side by side, hoping that community members will support your club over, or in addition to other booster clubs.…