• How to Run a Successful Booster Club Car Wash Fundraiser

    How to Run a Successful Booster Club Car Wash Fundraiser

    A car wash is one of the most common ways to raise funds for any nonprofit organization. Running a successful booster club car wash fundraiser is really no different. That being said, organizing a successful booster club car wash is not all that simple. In order to maximize the proceeds that a car wash fundraiser…

  • Run A Facebook Ad For A Booster Club

    Run A Facebook Ad For A Booster Club

    A lot of booster clubs do not have a very good understanding of how to advertise online, much less how to run a Facebook Ad for a booster club . Adding to that, many booster clubs are already strained for resources, so trying to find the time to learn how to advertising on Facebook for…

  • Top 5 Management Mistakes of Booster Clubs

    Top 5 Management Mistakes of Booster Clubs

    In too many instances, booster clubs are formed for all the right reasons but then disappear after a few years. In many cases, they tend to go out of business per say, due to very similar reasons – poor or mismanagement.  To help our booster club brethren avoid these pitfalls we have compiled the top…

  • Join A Booster Club for Your Child, School and Yourself!

    Join A Booster Club for Your Child, School and Yourself!

    Why should you join a booster club? Well the primary reason might be because your child has decided to continue their involvement in a sports or music program. Their involvement in those sports, music, arts or other activities will give them valuable skills and improve their college and university applications. These days is those valuable…

  • Booster Clubs and Schools – Ways You Can Work Together Successfully!

    Booster Clubs and Schools – Ways You Can Work Together Successfully!

    A booster club school relationship stand to gain a lot from working together, and it is best to take steps to ensure that the collaboration is a positive one from the beginning. Strife and conflict between schools and booster clubs can damage the support efforts for school programs, versus how working together effectively can increase…

  • How to Run a Successful Booster Club Bake Sale Fundraiser

    How to Run a Successful Booster Club Bake Sale Fundraiser

    Bake sale fundraisers are a wonderful way to engage your local community over a common goal, all while enjoying the comradery of baking traditional and ethnic sweets. Regardless of whether you are an athletic, music, drama, academic, high school, middle school, or elementary school booster club, bake sale fundraisers can be a profitable way to…

  • Booster Club Officers: Their Roles and Responsibilities

    Booster Club Officers: Their Roles and Responsibilities

    When it comes to organizing boosting clubs and picking booster club officers, there isn’t a magic formula that ensures success. However, strong leadership & management has an important  effect on whether or not your booster club will successfully achieve its goals. Whether you fill the Booster Club Officer role of President, Secretary, or Treasurer, your…

  • How To Attract Booster Club Volunteers

    How To Attract Booster Club Volunteers

    One of the biggest tasks on the list of any booster club is the recruitment of volunteers. It’s simple: in order for your booster club to continue running smoothly, you need to attract booster club volunteers willing to support the organization. Attracting booster club volunteers may be challenging, but utilizing the below recommendations will help…

  • How Booster Club Operations Work and Are Structured

    How Booster Club Operations Work and Are Structured

    A booster club can usually be defined as nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that strives to provide support to departments, programs and/or organizations that are typically associated with school environments. To start and maintain successful booster club operations, it’s necessary to be familiar with booster club structures and organization. Not only do booster clubs demand a certain…