Our Favorite Online Management Tools For Booster Clubs in 2021
In order to manage a successful and efficient booster club, it is helps to use the right online management tools. Not only does booster club management run their club verbally with other members discussing plans and strategies, but they also use booster club business tools to help manage their club as well. We want to…
2021 Booster Club Halloween Themed Fundraising Ideas
Some of the most important activities you’ll take the lead on when overseeing a booster club are fundraising events. Fundraising is one of the main ways your booster club can gain support, financial fuel, and promote relationships with the community and your club members. And, with Halloween rolling around, what better way to fundraise than…
Managing Booster Club Marketing Budgets
In order to have a successful booster club, members will need to have proper management and guidance over club activities. One of these activities that take the utmost importance is managing booster club marketing budgets. Booster club marketing is a fundamental tasks that can ensure your club gets its name known in your area as…
Booster Club Insurance: What You Need to Know
One of the natural necessities of our world is having proper insurance. We all like to have coverage and comfort in the case of something terrible happening to us or our property out of the blue. For your booster club, like any business, this idea remains as well.
The School Business Official’s Guide to Manage Booster Clubs
When you oversee your school’s booster clubs as an athletic director or a part of school leadership, you get to make sure the parents and volunteers who manage the group do so according to your school requirements. This gives you the ability to make sure they’re in compliance with your rules and has a range…
Steps To Maintain Booster Club 501c3 Status
After several hoops to jump through and plenty of red tape, your booster club has been approved as a 501c3, a type of tax-exempt, or charitable organization. The work is not over once you’ve established your club’s tax-exempt status in compliance with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). It is important to understand the applicable rules…
A Primer For Managing Booster Club Accounting
Proper fundraising is the backbone of a successful booster club. Additionally, in order to have a strong and healthy make up of this backbone your club needs to implement the right tools and people for managing booster club accounting and finances. If your booster club uses the right accounting tools you will be able to…
Manage a Gymnastics Booster Club for Team Success
Booster clubs are one of the best ways to fund events, whether it be for a football team, academic events, or, in the case of this article – a gymnastics team! There are many benefits to take advantage of when you operate a gymnastics booster club.