Summer booster fundraising ideas


With summer upon us and most schools letting out, your  attention needs to shift to summer booster club fundraising opportunities. Just because school is out, does not mean your booster club should shut down for the duration. It is important to consider additional ways to continue raising money and keeping the support for your booster club strong. To help continue booster club engagement, it is important to maintain and try new marketing efforts to promote and grow your summer booster club fundraising. To help your club capitalize while school is out, we have put together some summer booster club fundraising ideas.


Summer booster club fundraising - summer camp

Starting a Summer Camp Related To Your Booster Club

The best way to get a summer camp started for a booster club summer event is to start early. Find a place to facilitate the camp, like a school. Then find a staff to help watch the children – start with teachers and coaches and work from there. Next decide what type of camp your booster club wants to host, most likely something related to your booster club activity focus. For example, a sport camp, education camp, music camp, etc. Make sure you talk to the school with the final details and sort out all of the legal issues. Once you have the foundation down, you can move to the actual sign ups.

Be sure to start sign-ups for the camp early, and limit it to the amount of space you have and the amount of staff you have. Starting sign ups during the school year will allow you to promote through the school. Also, you don’t want to scramble for last minute signups or complications. Using the marketing strategies below, you can create a large turnout. Check out for more details.


Summer booster club fundraising - sports scrimmages

Summer Booster Club Socials and Sports Scrimmages

A social summer event is created to keep contact with existing supporters, as well as to create new relationships and grow your support network. These events are helpful because they maintain a connection to your school and booster activity during the summer. This is especially effective with arts based booster clubs.  You can put together a band music show, orchestra concert or art show and charge people to attend the show. If you coordinate with local businesses, your booster club can set up raffle baskets / giveaways from various local establishments. The tickets for the baskets and raffles can be helpful and fun ways to raise money for your booster club.

Sports tournaments are a way to keep the community of all ages active and engaged in your athletic booster club during the summer. Sports tournaments can be created for any age group and your booster club can charge money for each registered competing team, and in turn charge spectators for coming to cheer on their friends. Again, coordinating with local businesses, the winning teams could receive prizes donated by local companies. Sports like baseball, softball, basketball are a good way to bring the community together to play or spectate, and are a great way for your booster club to raise money!


summer booster club fundraising - fun runs and 5ks

Booster Club Fun Runs

Another summer booster club fundraising idea are fun runs / 5K’ s / Marathons. These are a good way to raise money for your booster club. Each entrant would pay to enter the race, and if you get local sponsorship you can offer a range of prizes for winners and different participant types. Not only is it a good way to raise money, but you are helping to keep your community healthy and active!


summer booster club fundraising - car wash

Summer Booster Club Fundraising Car Wash

What better summer booster club fundraising event than a car wash? A car wash is a cheap, easy way to earn some cash for your booster club. Accepting donations for a car wash is a simple way to raise money and raise awareness for people in your community that are just be driving by. If you have flyers printed, you can give them one to learn more about your booster club organization.


summer booster club fundraising - golf tournament

Father’s Day Golf Tournament

Father’s Day is a great summer Booster Club fundraising event. Most dads and some moms are always looking for an excuse to hit the links, and what better reason than for a booster club fundraiser! All entrants can enter for a certain price and they can play a round of golf. Tying in a golf course, store and golf brands can increase local interest while creating gifts and prizes for golfers who play and/or win the tounament.


summer booster club fundraising - 4th of july parties

Booster Club 4th of July Festivities

A very summer booster club summer fundraising idea is to tie an event to your local fireworks show. Most communities have free firework shows for July 4th which is an opportunity to hold an event in conjunction with, or at. For instance, beforehand, you could have a fundraising cookout with the community with a suggested donation amount to cover event expenses and the extra being a donation. An even simpler option is to coordinate with your community leaders to set up a table or booth at the fireworks show to promote your booster club before and after the fireworks!


summer booster club fundraising - marketing strategies

Summer Booster Club Fundraising Marketing Strategies

There are tons of ways to market your summer booster club fundraising events. To help you get started we have put together a few key strategies that have proven to be successful. The overall goal with these efforts is to raise awareness of your club as well as continually grow the turnout for all of your booster club events.


Market Your Booster Club via Social Media

Be sure to create a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profile for your booster club, and follow your most active members and regular volunteers/attendees. This will be sure to make them retweet/share your events with their friends, broadening your marketing outreach. If you are interested in growing your online audience, you may want to consider running digital ads. An easy way to create a free digital flyer is using Canva, which has many free designs. Posting these digital flyers on the social media sites will help expand your booster club’s visibility. Furthermore, look into running Snapchat and Instagram stories to will help engage the younger student crowd.


Locally Distribute Booster Club Print Flyers

Flyers place around your local community can help build awareness of your booster club. While they can be hard to track effectiveness, they can’t hurt and are fairly inexpensive to produce. You can take it a step further and distribute them door to door throughout neighborhoods which will allow people to place them in their house as a reminder. Finally, even if you do not distribute flyers within your community, they definitely come in handy at your events, giving attendees a small simple take away reminder of your booster club.


Person to Person Engagement

One of the most important ways to market is through word of mouth. Talking to people locally and participating in local events helps spread the word about upcoming events and functions being held by your booster club. Positively engaging with your community on a personal level, motivates those people you interact with to give positive recommendations about your booster club to friends and family. By having others in the community talking highly of your fundraising events, you will be likely to have bigger and bigger turnouts!



Overall, these ideas and marketing strategies will allow you to keep you summer booster club fundraising consistent while school is out. Trying out different ideas, discussing what the community would be most into, and finding what ideas are best for you, will keep your booster club thriving throughout the summer.


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