

Add Single & Recurring Events

Booostr Event Calendar allows organizations to easily add upcoming events. No matter if it is a one-off event or a weekly, monthly or annual recurring event. Booostr Event Calendar is flexible for every type of event you throw at it!


Easily Share Events

Posting an event is easy, sharing that event is JUST as easy. When viewing your organization calendar, any event is quickly and easily sharable from its event details page. Share to social media, via email or chat with ease.


Display Anywhere

Event Calendar was designed from the ground up to be displayed anywhere. Sync it to your favorite every day Calendar (ie Google, Outlook, Apple) for instant updates. Or, have a website? Embed it there for extra views. Booostr Event Calendar is a snap to use!

Booostr Financial Manager is built for small teams.

Native Booostr
Tool Integration

Booostr Event Calendar is designed to not only be a central event posting space for organizations, but also to integrate with current and future Booostr Tools. For instance Booostr Volunteer Sign Up Manager automatically integrates with Event Calendar as it requires an event to first be added in order to request volunteers. Furthermore, once the Volunteer Sign Up Is Created an option allows it to be shown on the Event Calendar event quick view and full details view. A further upcoming integration releasing soon is with Booostr Event Ticket products in Booostr Store Manager. It is easy to see how Booostr Event Calendar can quickly become a key element of your organization’s communication and engagement strategy.


Sync To Your Favorite
Every-Day Calendar

Beyond integrating with Booostr Tools, Event Calendar plays nicely with external tools. For instance, every organization’s calendar includes a unique ICS formatted link which can be shared with supporters so they can sync the nonprofit’s event calendar into their preferred ever-day calendar application (ie. Google, Outlook, Apple etc.). In addition to calendar syncing, Booostr Event Calendar allows users to add a single event to their own digital calendar and it also allows organizations to embed the calendar on external sites as needed. From centralizing events, to external integrations – Booostr Event Calendar is the premier choice for small nonprofits and booster clubs.

Get your nonprofit or booster club started with Booostr today.

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